University of Minnesota 2015 May Global Seminar: Vive Les Arts: Paris-Inspired Music, Art & Literature

Friday, May 22, 2015

Avant // "Before"

Before arriving, I was completely unable to envision what Paris would be like. The internet was the only form of visualization and insight that I really had other than a few friends who have traveled there before myself. 

The whole packing-and-getting-ready thing that, you know, you're supposed to do way before going on a long transcontinental trip to a foreign country...didn't really happen until just a few days before my departure. Whoops.

Nevertheless, I was cool [as always ;)] and calm and collected on the outside, but unusually, subconsciously anxious on the inside. Having never traveled outside of the US, I had a feeling that I would be far less prepared compared to my mates. That made me nervous. Very, very nervous. In fact, this was completely out of my comfort zone. But you have to start somewhere, so why not the famously beautiful city of Paris with all its romanticism and artistic feels and all those bohemian, laid-back vibes that it radiates. 
Oh, and who doesn't love to eat banana nutella crepes for breakfast..
                                                                                                     and lunch...
                                                                                                                     and dinner......                      

I am really hoping for Paris to inspire me in my own arts. Painting for fun is my hobby and stress reliever of choice. I paint a lot at times, and close to none at other times. I would like to be more consistent and I am hoping that Paris with inspire me to try new styles of painting that I might not have been as comfortable with previously. 

To be completely honest, I am not crazy familiar with many French artists, or France in general. I know that's where the Eiffel Tower is, and that people don't wear yoga pants (booo), and that french fries come from France. (lordy I am just kidding, I do not actually think that). I also know that Pablo Picasso spent most of his adult life France. I enjoy his work. His carefree, yet indubitably interesting style of painting (somewhat similar to alla-prima styles I have tried once or twice before) is something I have yet to be ambitious enough to really try out myself – though I feel as though I would really enjoy it once I try. I am hopeful that this trip will not only leave lasting memories, but trigger motivation and enthusiasm.

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